The Rookie Course


Because…most of the stuff out there is bullshit, right? You (and I) have bought so many courses that just. kinda. suck. They’re too simple (like seriously, we could have googled that). Or too convoluted (like seriously, did you just ChatGPT this whole thing?). Or they’re just shitty money grabs by someone who’s using shittier marketing techniques to sell them to you.

The Rookie Course *doesn’t* make you instantly regret your purchase the second you make it. Because, by the end, you’ll actually know how to get a business OFF THE GROUND.


✔︎ The person who wants to start selling digital products but has no clue where to start.

✔︎ The confused beginner who started a business but is still lost.

✔︎ The perpetual course taker who hasn't done anything with the education yet.

✔︎ The traditional business owner who wants to incorporate digital products (like courses) into their offer suite.


✔︎ How to pick your zone of genius

✔︎ How to create your target audience to sell to

✔︎ How to validate your idea do you're not trying to sell snow to eskimos

✔︎ How to develop offers that your audience will give a sh*t about

✔︎ Marketing, selling and branding yourself and your business

What People Are Saying:

Holy fu*k, Vicki!!! I just finished your Rookie course. It's epic! Yeah, I've been exposed to most of the ideas in other trainings, mostly RM...but, you put your own spin on things. It's truly amazing. As an educator myself, I know that hearing things a different way can be groundbreaking. This is 100% a course I can get behind, and my put my reputation stamp on.

Keith S.

Hi Vicki I'm glad I found you and followed my intuition and kept the promise I made to myself from the beginning of the year. I can't tell you how much you helped me with your Rookie course. The information answered all my questions and the bonus mini courses of others came to me in the learning process. I liked your approach to reverse engineering your business niche the most. I found that it's okay to do what works for you and then add more to create a business that lasts over time. I admit that everything related to the digital world is new and scary for me, but you and all the information you share, the passion with which you manage to explain and the inexplicable fills me with hope for the future.I just started this journey for me and my family becouse you and your funky glasses popped in my screen and your message related to me.I appreciate you. Thank you.

I've never seen a more "vicki" course in my life. Like, "here's the deal, here's what you have to do. Bye." So smart because the rookie course is the prequel to all the other more in depth courses. Makes so much sense!

Literal Gold!! For me though the last 2 minutes and 26 seconds of "Compliant Marketing Guidelines" was literally gold it helped clarify so much. It might have took me 30 minutes to get through those almost 3 minutes because my toddler woke up... but hey! I have successfully completed the Rookie Course and I am blown away. Excited for the rest of your product suite and the changes this is going to make for me and my business. Also super excited to share! I don't care where you are in your journey... even if you think you have it all together. Go take this course. It may be ground breaking. It may be a nice refresher. It will be worth it. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. @Vicki Pollack

$57.00 USD


WAIT! You'll need some social sales training on your way to building that epic digital-based business The Rookie will teach you.

Meet The Ultimate Social Sales Course: The anti-viral, anti-cut and paste approach to social selling...

The approach that has gained me multiple 7 figures and over 100,000 followers.

Let's do this together.